Opinion Piece/Persuasive Letter

What kind of policies
do we need to create to solve the issue on immigration?
By Lorenzo Luevano
The United States has been an attraction to many immigrants for many years. For that reason many immigrants decide to leave everything behind, just to start a new and better life. Many come with a picture of the perfect land, but once they arrive to the U.S they find many obstacles. Many immigrants cannot find a job, or go to school because there is not an immigration reform to help them. As time passes more and more immigrants are wishing for an immigration reform that will not only help them, but also their families. Since President Obama stepped into office one of his main concerns was an immigration reform for those who are here illegally. Many policies have been created, but none have actually become into a reform. President Obama has tried to pass an immigration reform but friction in the congress has lead to nothing being achieved. The problem here is that both sides need to come to an agreement to create policies that will push an immigration reform that will help the immigrant community. For that reason I will explain some of the policies needed towards solving the problem. The following policies, I believe, will help create an immigration reform: learning policy, security policy, and an international policy.

If immigrants plan to become residents of the U.S, they would need to complete certain requirements. First of all, immigrants should learn English. This will ensure that they become successful. Next they will need to obtain a higher education. Also the immigrants will need to learn the norms and laws of the United States in order to stay away from trouble. Once they have meet these three requirements they should “wait in line” to apply for residency. All the requirements will not only create successful immigrants that will help their families but also the nation.


Figure one Criminal Aliens removed from the U.S
The next policy will create a safer nation for us and for the immigrants. First of all, immigrants should take a background check to see whether they have a criminal background. If immigrants don’t have a criminal background, they can then apply for residency. The criminal immigrants should to be processed by the government then deported back. Figure one show the number of criminal immigrants being deported per year. The immigrants that applied for residency should be on one year probation, to track their actions. To control the immigration problem, harder and stricter enforcement laws should be created.

The reason that many immigrants come to the U.S, has to do with the lack of opportunities back home. The last policy has to do with agreements between U.S, Mexico and South America Nations, that will ensure the same opportunities we have here in the U.S. Also the international policy should create jobs for their people. The policy will allow the immigrants to stay back home while still having the same opportunities. Both governments should work hand in hand to solve the problem of immigration because it’s a two nation problem. While the other nations change their policies, the United States should also reform its policies against immigrants.

The problem should be taken seriously because many people are suffering. These policies will, from my point of view, help form an immigration  reform  in the United States that will benefit the families of immigrants and also the economy of the U.S. I as a citizen would want to see a reform because it will bring many positive aspects to the U.S.


Criminal aliens removed. (n .d) [Google image]. Retrieved from http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=criminal+removal&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5363l10363l0l10892l16l12l0l3l3l1l749l5728l3-,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=criminal%E2%80%91aliens%E2%80%91removed&oq=criminal%E2%80%91aliens%E2%80%91removed&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=31734l33599l1l34440l5l5l0l0l0l3l294l1175l0.2.3l5l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=471563d6228b161f&biw=1366&bih=667